By Hannah Marion Namukasa
The Kampala Metropolitan police deputy spokesperson ASP Luke Owoyesigyire has revealed that the territorial Police at Old Kampala are investigating an incident of office breaking and theft at Mwanga 2 Court.
“It is alleged that today 13/07/2022 at an unknown time unknown people broke into the chambers of Her worship Mwanika Joanita Magistrate Grade 1, Small claims office, Computer office, Court Registry and cash office all at Mwanga 2 Court, where Computer accessories were stolen and other things vandalized.

The Police, upon receiving this information rushed to the scene, processed and documented it. We have also noted the CCTV cameras at the scene of the crime were tampered with.” Said ASP Luke
Luke adds that Efforts are underway to have the cameras fixed by a team of ICT experts.
“No arrests have been made and we shall provide u with more details as soon they are available, but efforts are on to identify the perpetrators who are behind this criminal act.” Adds Luke