By Kabuye Ronald
The United Nations Association of Uganda (UNAU) has tasked the public, government and private sector stakeholders on the importance of data use in accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs by 2030.

Speaking during the UNAU workshop on the importance of Data use in accelerating SDGs implementation by 2030 conducted in conjunction with its partners from Tanzania, Kenya, Finland, and the World Federation of United Nations Association, UNAU Secretary General Richard Baguma Tinkasimiire, said that they recognize that statistics and data are the basis for planning, implementation, and measurement of progress or lack of it.
However, they think that data and statistics is not prioritized in implementation and evaluation but rather development work is done by anecdotal, feelings, and assumptions hence failing to achieve targets set out because of not measuring scientifically.

“Why we think it’s crucial to make plans and investment depending on data and statistics is that then you put your money, energy, time and efforts in the places that give you the best results because its understood and properly assessed.” Said Baguma
Marie Nanyanzi a senior programs officer at Twaweeza said failure by duty bearers to premise the policies on evidence and data, they always come up with policies that don’t help the ordinary Ugandans yet when measuring the SDGs, you must measure how their implementation is affecting the ordinary Ugandans.
The SDGs have only reached 15% of their target, and at the national level, 64% of indicators in the National Development Plan don’t have data. Despite being at the tail end of NDP3, the country is only at 40% success due to lack of data.

Bright Onapito, a data and artificial intelligence policy officer at the UN Global Pulse said that they are at a draft stage of the National Data Strategy, where they are urging all stakeholders to give them feedback. The National Data Strategy is an initiative by the government through the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance with support from UN Global Pulse and the United Nations Development Program which aims at maximizing the value of data and create a data-driven economy.
Bright Onapito, faulted Ugandans for not having a culture of data sharing, which is often seen as just giving out everyone’s data. He says data sharing must be done responsibly because some data is personal and private, and therefore it should be done within the laws around data protection and the right mechanisms to share both personal and non-personal data among different stakeholders.

“The private sector needs to know how many services they need to get, and data that is required for that needs to be shared. Telecom companies also have data that could help the government fix problems, and some data the telecom companies need from the government. To ensure the sharing of data for mutual good which will all be addressed by the National Data Strategy” said Bright Onapito
He further urged government to get interested in digitizing data to improve efficiency and accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
“By creating digital registries and connecting data from various sources, Uganda can create a more efficient and effective data strategy for its citizens.” Said Onapito